The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trail and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Praying and hoping

On Monday we got a phone call from our agency. This time it was to ask if we would be interested in a sibling group of all boys- 4, 3, and 2. The great news is they are pre-adoptive and parental rights are pretty much already terminated so if we get chosen we would be starting the adoption process right away. I am sure many of you know this is a blessing when it comes to foster care because it normally takes a lot longer.

SO we don't know much more than that, and if we did I can't post it here for privacy reasons. But I can tell you where we stand. The first step was our agency submitted our name to the county where the boys live, and now the county will pick the best family from all of the ones submitted. Please pray that if it is God's will that they will pick us. We were told we would either here back yesterday or today so I am just really praying that no news is good news.

Our house is def set up for boys and we have the beds and everything! If this is how it works out then it is def is not how I imagined we would start our family but I think it will be so much better!

With that we are hoping and praying.....and waiting. Amen to that.

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